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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tracey has had a rough day. She was unable to keep her body temperature regulated she would swing from teeth chattering cold and a temp of 97 to a ball of sweat with a temp of 102 in 30 minutes. Her O2 was low 90's, and she placed on oxygen. Her pan was still high. The doctors though she may have had a new clot in her lungs so they ordered an xray. Results show she has pneumonia. They started a broad spectrum antibiotic. She is also on Tylenol and motrin.

I also think she maybe suffering some withdrawal symptom as she is not using as much dilaudid and her body would like her to. She has adjusted her dulaudid intake, she will be pushing when she thinks she is having a withdrawal symptom.

Bella is doing good. she is now eating 10ml every 3 hours (well it being poured into her stomach)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation to you and Tracey. Bella is a beautiful name. Love to you both. John and CArol Lawton
