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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tracey went down for radiation. She now only has 2 left! woo hoo.. One small snag is that radiation will be striking on monday... Tracey was told that she will get her treatment anyway. The schedule will just be a little crazy. Transportation left us again. so I wheeled her back to her room. I think that is easier, but I dont think it is within hospital policy.

Tracey wants to veg out and watch tv tonight. Diane is out shopping.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kiddo, you are constantly on my mind. I've sent you emails, but I don't know that you got them?
    I wish I was there to hug you and make you better. I have been following this blog and look forward to it. As I've said before - I picture that sweet, adorable little brown haired girl sitting on my couch in the mornings not wanting to be awake.
    I assume your daughter will be named Tracey! Hang in there and fight like hell!!
    Love ya,
