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Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Doctors finally gave in and have started Tracey back on Steroids (decadron). Which has always reduced her nausea and increased her appetite.

Bella my have her MRI tomorrow. She did not eat as good today as she has been so I think we are still looking at early next week before she goes home.

I am starting to think that when Tracey goes home she should go to Huntington Beach, as it might be to difficult to get settled into the Westwood apartment for just a couple of day's then do it again in Huntington beach. Just a thought.


  1. i think h.b. right away is good. otherwise, you need an anbulance to transfer her and the pump both times.
    do you have time to talk to the case managers ? love, diane

  2. I agree. If you can get everything you need set up in HB why move twice? I hope the steroids begin to help with the nausea so she can be more comfortable.

    Take care.

