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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello everyone - Tracey is doing well. She took a bath this afternoon and then felt a little nauseated so i gave her some meds and she is now sleeping. Last night she asked for some food and she ate some chips, chocolates, and a bite of Chocolate Pop Tart. 

I hope the cams are working ok. It will be a couple of weeks until I get them both onto a site so you can see all by going to one page so hang in there. I see that people are checking in, a light goes on when someone is looking, so if you text me that you are looking I will make sure that Bella waves and you can see her face.


  1. Brandon: yoiks! Those sharks! Guess they weren't hungry when I dunked.
    Looking forward to the babycam. Glad Tracey is eating and up a tad.

  2. yay for baths!!

    that is wonderful news.

    see you tomorrow...

    xoxo, Mandl

  3. Hi Brandon. This is Tracey's friend, Woody from U of MD days. I just got emailed the link to the blog by Kevin Dyels.

    I hadn't heard anything from Tracey for more than a year, so I'm doing quite a lot of catching up here and trying to fill in the blanks.

    I tried to get in touch with her when I was preparing to visit California early in the summer (we last saw each other in California in 1996 and then had her original diagnosis derail a planned reunion a couple of years ago). I see that you all have certainly had your hands full and why I hadn't heard back from her.

    First congratualtions to the two of you on your marriage and the birth of such a beautiful baby! No suprise there of course given her mom.

    Again reading between the lines and filling in some gaps here, but you seem like a fabulous fit for Tracey and a good man to have as one's partner and for a father.

    Please give Tracey my love and well-wishes. She is absolutely one of my favorite people in the world and I have missed her often in the years since she left D.C. I will be checking in here to see how things are going.

    In the meantime, if you need any fatherly advice, please reach out. My wife Alison and I have two of our own and they are the lights of our lives.

    Fond regards,

    Woody Irvin

  4. BTW, I'm at and

